Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Relationships mean more!

It’s a tough year for fundraising. One of my non-profit clients and fellow 85 Broads Foundation grant recipient The Nanubhai Education Foundation has changed our fundraising strategy for the year due to the shortage of large Wall Street backers. Where Wall Street was once a first stop for funding, it has never been more important to be creative with our event strategy. The event must go on! We have had success leveraging long term relationships with companies that share in our mission; companies such as Scholastic have more to offer than simply funding. They are able to host our event in their beautiful space, to provide various in-kind donations that will keep our schools in India running and serve as a long-term partner in helping develop our E.L.S. curriculum. At the end of the day, its our relationships that get us thru the rough times and will keep us moving forward in the future.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

I’m Not A Plastic Bag

Make a difference in the world, but be fabulously fashionable while you do it. Join in on the exciting new global movement. We are so pumped that the fabulous London designer Anya Hindmarch has partnered with the non-profit organization “We Are What We Do” to take a large step forward in changing the world.

Anya has designed our new favorite eco-friendly handbag, “I’m Not A Plastic Bag”. Celebrities have been sporting this bag all around Los Angeles, London, and New York. Being eco has become trendy. The main goal of the bag is simple - to encourage people not to use plastic carrier bags. Think of how many plastic bags can be saved if people used their own recyclable bag in their everyday lives. The popularity of this bag proves that consumers are excited and willing to have a non-plastic reusable alternative. Even though the price is steep, around $400 on ebay, it is well worth the price of helping the environment. Join in on the new trend and remember, we are what we do!

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