Friday, January 30, 2009

Flying Chocolate Piggies

I have been surrounded by chocolate these last few weeks, overflowing chocolates at weddings, chocolate birthday gifts, double hot chocolate during the holidays. Its strange I don't really even like chocolate! However, I just found these chocolate pigs, and well I am in love!
These $12 pigges from Vosges Haut Chocolat are filled applewood smoked bacon, Alder wood smoked salt and deep milk chocolate. Its a perfectly unique gift, if you plan to gift chocolate far too often.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Art all Around - David Foote

Obsessed with David Foote! This artist not only creates unique pieces to hang on your wall, but has since expanded into ottoman designs, shower curtains, wine, skate boards and even skis! His designs from the New Girl series now cascade across all sorts of products. We are thrilled to be able to collaborate with David on this launch party of the 10 new products!

On top of everything else this artist is going he is also the creative director behind Jaboneria Marianella - a hand made line of candles and soaps. These are perfect to include in guest bathrooms or due to their beautiful packaging to use as gifts.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ru Yoga - a new company we love!

Ru Yoga is a spin off from a design firm that I have worked with not only on my personal and business materials, but also with some of my clients! They build beautiful logos and create a true unique brand or identitiy. I encouge you to visit thier new branding-made-easy site designed with the healthcare or yoga professional in mind. Simply beautiful!

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Relationships mean more!

It’s a tough year for fundraising. One of my non-profit clients and fellow 85 Broads Foundation grant recipient The Nanubhai Education Foundation has changed our fundraising strategy for the year due to the shortage of large Wall Street backers. Where Wall Street was once a first stop for funding, it has never been more important to be creative with our event strategy. The event must go on! We have had success leveraging long term relationships with companies that share in our mission; companies such as Scholastic have more to offer than simply funding. They are able to host our event in their beautiful space, to provide various in-kind donations that will keep our schools in India running and serve as a long-term partner in helping develop our E.L.S. curriculum. At the end of the day, its our relationships that get us thru the rough times and will keep us moving forward in the future.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wine Crystals

Why put a bottle of wine in an ugle wine bag you found at the check out counter of your local licquor store? Everyone knows what is inside. Instead of hiding the bottle, dress it with a little crystal and plenty of ribbons. When I saw this little crystal, I thought that could be a really elegant accessory for a bottle of wine. You could any trinket like a christmas ornament or even candies, and then tie it up. The more ribbons the better. Its a small touch to add to a bottle of wine that gives it that extra presentable ‘umph and originality.

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