Friday, February 27, 2009

Party Favors that work... and these are not it...

Today I was doing some spring cleaning around my apartment and I did so wearing a pair of LED blinking blue sunglasses. These were found in a long lost draw mixed with scarfs and gloves and other things I would be embarrassed to admit to saving. These glasses are also part of a big pile of items that has found its way nicely to the curb this afternoon.

We spend so much time with clients (and money) coming up with the perfect parting gifts or dance floor accessories, it makes me wonder how long some of these favors last. Money, no matter the amount, should also be spent on items that your guests will use or have the most interaction with. While my blinking blue glasses are quite fabulous and fun for a few minutes, its a costly accessory to supply to your guests for such a short amount of time.

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